You've reached the end of the getting started guide and you understand your Substrate-managed AWS organization. Now what? Now you get to work. Here's how.

Getting into AWS

For most tasks, you're going to need AWS credentials. Substrate strongly discourages the creation of personal IAM users with long-lived access keys; these are highly likely to be stolen in case of a laptop compromise and misuse can be difficult to detect. It's best not to have them at all. Instead, Substrate helps you get very short-lived AWS credentials in either of two ways:

Visit and follow the steps to provision an EC2 instance to use for your administrative work. This makes the most sense for folks who use a terminal-based text editor and like to work "in the cloud."

Or visit, then paste the export command into your terminal. This makes the most sense for folks who like to work from their laptop, regardless of what the rest of their toolchain looks like.

Or run eval $(substrate-credentials) in your terminal and follow its instructions. This will work from instances in the cloud or a laptop, though the flow is a smoothest on a laptop where a web browser can be opened from the command line.

In all three cases, the temporary credentials are going to put you in the Administrator role in (one of) your admin account(s). From here you'll be able to go anywhere you need to go.

Navigating your AWS organization

There isn't usually much to do in your admin account. Instead, you'll be assuming roles in other accounts where your real work happens. There are three ways this happens:

Ad-hoc movement throughout your organization is made easy by the substrate-assume-role tool. It understands the layout and can convert domains, environments, and qualities into the appropriate AWS account numbers for you. Thus, to get temporary credentials in your example staging alpha account (once you've created such an account), you'd run substrate-assume-role -domain=example -environment=staging -quality=alpha and paste the resulting environment variables into your terminal. Or, if you had a specific command you needed to run, tack it onto the end thus: substrate-assume-role -domain=example -environment=staging -quality=alpha aws ec2 describe-security-groups. When you're finished, you can unassume-role to revert to the credentials previously stored in your environment. (This is analogous to the cd builtin's use of the OLDPWD environment variable.)

Exploration aside, most work on your AWS organization happens in Terraform. substrate-create-account creates a root Terraform module for you with providers configured to assume the appropriate role so you don't have to think about matching credentials in your environment with directories in which you invoke terraform apply. All you'll ever need to invoke Terraform are those Administrator credentials you get from the credential and instance factories.

Finally, there is also substrate.accounts.txt in your Substrate directory. With the account numbers and roles in this file you can use the Switch Role feature in the AWS console or any number of other tools built expecting IAM role ARNs.


Your networks, all in your network account, are tagged according to their environment and quality. Unfortunately, those tags aren't visible outside the network account, so in order to see those, you'll need to assume the Auditor or NetworkAdministrator role in your network account.

This is, in practice, a rare occurrence because the substrate module that's automatically instantiated in all your domain Terraform modules gives you a quick reference to the correct public and private subnets via module.substrate.public_subnet_ids and module.substrate.private_subnet_ids.

Organizing your code

tl;dr: Write code in the modules subdirectories Substrate creates for you. Run Terraform from the root-modules subdirectories matching the domain, environment, quality, and AWS region you want.

Suppose you're responsible for a service called example that you run in staging as alpha-quality and in production as beta- and gamma-quality. You will have run the following commands to create all the AWS accounts: