Substrate is an opinionated suite of tools that manage secure, reliable, and compliant cloud infrastructure in AWS. This part of the manual exists to guide you through installing Substrate and bootstrapping your Substrate-managed AWS organization.

It's early days for this guide. Please refer to the Substrate design to fill in philosophical details. Please use inline comments, Slack, or [email protected] to ask questions.



From a binary release

tar xf substrate-2020.08-7d620b7-linux.tar.gz -C ~/bin (substituting the filename where you've stored the binary release and the directory on your PATH where you want it installed)

From source

Additional prerequsites:


  1. git clone [email protected]:src-bin/substrate.git
  2. cd substrate
  3. make && make install GOBIN="..." with the value of GOBIN being a directory on your PATH

Decide where you'll run Substrate commands

All Substrate commands should be run from the same directory. Many commands will read and write files there to save your input and pass configuration and state from one command to another.

The most natural options are, in no particular order: